
Get a healing from a Qero Paqo ( shaman)- Rescheduled
to Jul 20

Get a healing from a Qero Paqo ( shaman)- Rescheduled

  • Live Love Laugh Healing (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Book a private healing with the Qeros. Healings are an hour long. Cost $125

Karpay- Munay Karpay- Receive a clearing/cleansing and an initiation ( Karpay)

This initiation, opens up the heart, and begins the transformation process of cleansing the heart of the energy that keeps the heart closed. For those following the Andean path, please bring your misha. Cost $250/2 hours

To book a session of a Karpay please text/call me at 831-206-9291 Alternatively you can send me an email at

Session times are Monday January 22rd-through Friday January 26th

8am to 6pm daily

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Despacho and Fire Ceremony with Qero- Rescheduled Summer 2024
6:30 PM18:30

Despacho and Fire Ceremony with Qero- Rescheduled Summer 2024

It is time that the Condor and the Eagle fly together. This statement comes from part of the Inca prophesy. It is this prophesy that is bringing Juan Apaza, Qero leader to the United States for the first time to teach the ancient and sacred teachings of the Incas. The Qero predicted in the early 70’s that there would come a day when the Condor, which represents Qero cosmology, would join with the Eagle, Western society, to join in helping Pachamama (Mother Earth) and humanity.

It’s time to return to our hearts, and connect deeply with our Mother Earth. The Qero are here to show us how.

I am excited to have my Spiritual family here to become a part of the community. This event is so all of you can make a connection with my dear friends too!

January 21st 5-7pm Juan Apaza, Karina Davelos Concha and her sister Fanny will lead us in a haywirakuy ceremony, a ceremony that honors life and ayni ( sacred reciprocity). Festivities will continue with a fire ceremony to connect us to the light in our hearts.

This a community event. Please bring food to share and a donation to the Paqo for their ceremonial work.They will have traditional weavings and Peruvian crafts available for you to purchase.

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Connecting to Pachamama and your Heart Workshop Rescheduled Summer 2024
to Jul 21

Connecting to Pachamama and your Heart Workshop Rescheduled Summer 2024

  • Live Love Laugh Healing (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Qero live 14,000 ft.+ elevation, one of the harshest climates on Earth. The Qero must live their lives in a way where they are in tune with nature and the elements. It is literally life or death to them. They understand how to be in harmony with Mother Earth (Pachamama).The Qero understand that Pachamama is the great Mother that is loving and caring towards all of her children.

As Westerners, we are not connected to the Pachamama like the Qero. They understand deeply that everything is connected and alive. This living energy is called Kawsay. When we understand how to connect with the Pachamama and the energy of Kawsay, we learn that this living energy is both healing and loving.

This workshop will teach you how to connect with Pachamama. We will learn about Kawsay, and how to connect in Munay (love grounded in will) to Mother Earth. The Qero will teach us techniques on how to open our hearts, cleanse our energy bodies, and develop a harmonious relationship with the Pachamama so that we know that we are held as her children.

This is a tool building class that will teach you ancient techniques of healing yourself and strengthen your connection with the Earth. It is open to anyone who has a desire to open their hearts and develop a deeper connection to Pachamama and their Animo ( soul).

Cost $575

$550 if paid before January 1st

To reserve your spot, please call/text Lorraine at 831-206-9291

Accepted payment methods: Venmo/Zelle/Check/Cash.

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Women's Tea and May Day Circle
11:00 AM11:00

Women's Tea and May Day Circle

This is one of my favorite, activities. To celebrate Spring.

Since May is a time of flowers, Let’s gather together for tea and flowers. Together we will make a giant mandala of flowers to celebrate women. There will be a special journey for all who come. Please bring tea and healthy snacks you’d like to share, and some flowers from your garden if you have them…if not please bring colorful beans or lentils.

We will have this event rain or shine. If the weather is nice we will be outside, so do bring hats and sunscreen. Free event.

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Juan Nunez del Prado- Master's Class
to Apr 17

Juan Nunez del Prado- Master's Class

This course will follow the Teachings of Tata Lorenzo from the Kallawaya tradition from Bolivia. His teachings show us how to strengthen our path, learn how to work more effectively with others,and create the future of our dreams. We will go deeply into Andean cosmology learning to connect with the Ultimate power of creation.Ou will learn to connect with different energetic levels such s the black light, the Earth, the Milky Way and the whole galaxy.

Juan Nunez del Prado and his son are Masters at explaining the Spiritual tradition of the Inkas. The explain it from a modern scientific perspective. Juan is one of the few living keepers of ancient wisdom from the Inkas. He is passionate about fulfilling the Andean prophecy where people live more empowered lives possessing greater harmony within oneself and with nature as a physical representation of the Divine. 

For those of you who would like to study with Juan and Ivan but haven't taken any of the basic teaching, you will still be able to attend this workshop by taking the Pana class on April 13-14th. It is a pre-requisite for this advanced workshop.

Cost for this workshop $500

Both workshops together ( Pana and the Advanced) $800



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The Right ( Paña) part of the Andean Path
to Apr 14

The Right ( Paña) part of the Andean Path

  • Live Love Laugh Healing (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Paña or Phaña means right side of the Andean path. This refers to everything outside our personal bubble. These are the teachings of Don Benito Qorriman. He taught Juan how to work energetically with the world around us. It is the world of the mystical, and the world outside us.

Cost for class $350.

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Free Meet and Greet Potluck for Juan and Ivan
6:00 PM18:00

Free Meet and Greet Potluck for Juan and Ivan

Juan Ñuñez del Prado and his son Ivan are Master teachers of Andean Cosmology. Juan is an Anthropologist and with his father, discovered the long lost Qero civilization in the 1950’s. Juan studied directly with the Qero, and he is one of the few living keepers of this ancient wisdom. Both father and son are passionate about teaching people to live more empowered lives. Their teachings are directly from direct experience with the Andean wisdom keepers.

We will have a free meet and greet evening so that you can get to know these wonderful teachers. This is a free event. Please bring food to share for a potluck dinner. Bring all your questions about their lineage, knowledge and about the Andean path. It’s a wonderful time to get to know these wonderful master teachers of the Andean lineage.

I will provide drinks, silverware, plates and cups. Please bring food to share that corresponds to your last name:

A-J Main Dish

K-R Salad or Vegetable Dish

S-Z Dessert

Where: at my home 2175 Elkhorn Rd. Castroville, CA 95012

Call with questions 831-206-9291

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Full Moon Equinox Despacho Ceremony
6:00 PM18:00

Full Moon Equinox Despacho Ceremony

Enjoy Spring full moon, and celebrate the Spring equinox with a special Andean Despacho Ceremony. We will gather under the energy of the full moon to put in our wishes and desires for the upcoming year. and connect with Mama Killa ( the moon) and each other in ceremony. This full moon kicks off both Spring and the Equinox season. It’s a potent time to do ceremony together, as in a group we bring in more energy for change. This full moon is also about our relationships. Are all your relationships with others in harmony? Let’s sit in ceremony together and bring Ayni ( sacred reciprocity) to ourselves and others in our lives.

All are welcome , so feel free to invite anyone who may benefit.

Donation event for supplies.

Text me for directions ahead of time 831-206-9291

Equinox ceremony is at my home: 2175 Elkhorn Rd. Castroville, CA 95012

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Full Moon Fire Ceremony
5:30 PM17:30

Full Moon Fire Ceremony

Come and celebrate the full moon with an Andean Fire Ceremony. Fire is a great way to gather and connect with Mama Killa ( the moon) and each other in ceremony. We will be outside. It gets cold at night. Bring lots of layers and a drum or rattle.

All are welcome at the fire, so feel free to invite anyone who may benefit.

Free event. Rain will cancel

Text me for directions ahead of time 831-206-9291

Fire ceremony is at 2175 Elkhorn Rd. Castroville, CA 95012

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Divine Feminine- Connecting with the Goddesses of Peru
to Jan 28

Divine Feminine- Connecting with the Goddesses of Peru


  • Connect, explore and heal the Divine Feminine

  • Discover the healing wisdom of an ancient Peruvian culture in a modern-day context

  • Learn to live fully grounded, balanced and from a place that is true to you

  • Heal and renew the relationship with your authentic self

  • Transcend your old wounds and stories

  • Experience the power of community, ceremony and modern-day rituals

  • Discover the gifts of the Nusta Karpay, the feminine principles of returning to wholeness, balance and harmony

  • For both Men and Women

    Please join me in this heart opening class. Cost for the class is $300.

  • For more information contact either Lorraine at 831-206-9291

Class is limited to 7 people

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Winter Solstice Ceremony and Gathering
5:00 PM17:00

Winter Solstice Ceremony and Gathering

For this winter solstice, I would be honored if you would join me in a haywayrikay ( despacho ceremony).

Despachos are a beautiful way of setting the tone for what it is that we want for the upcoming year. In the act of honoring all that is part of the Kawsay ( living energy), we bring our world into a place of blessings and harmony.

This year I want to bring an open heart to our work together. Build community together. As we build community we are also building a Spiritual family together where we can support each other, and be supported by the biggest Spirit - the Pachamama ( Mother Earth. I would be honored if you can be a part of this family.

This ceremony is appropriate for everyone. After the ceremony we will have a healthy potluck . Please bring healthy food to share.

Afterwards we will have an impromptu fire ceremony to burn the despacho offering.

Donation event.

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Honoring our Ancestors
to Nov 12

Honoring our Ancestors

  • Live Love Laugh Healing (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

So much of who we are is due to our family. It’s important to honor and shift these stories that are unfinished and that influence us in negative ways.

Many times our ancestors did the best that they could, but their energies aren’t what you may need at this moment in your life. Coming into harmony with ancestors brings a lot of peace.

This is a tool-building class where you will learn how to journey, Learn how to cleans, and work with and heal your ancestors. We will be helping each other shift old paradigms.

From personal experience, I know that I was tangled in my family stories. There was a part of me that couldn’t separate out what was mine, and what was theirs. Through working with the ancestors, I was able to separate, and let go of old patterns that stopped me from stepping fully into my own life. I was unaware of many of these old patterns. We will work these patterns in groups, during the weekend, together, as most of us share these patterns as a collective.

There is a small bit of preparation for this class. Reserve your spot now.

Cost $300 through credit card. $285 with check, or cash. Please text RSVP

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Honoring Ancestors and the Full Moon Eclipse
6:00 PM18:00

Honoring Ancestors and the Full Moon Eclipse

Ancestors live within us and our DNA. They have influenced us and informed us, even if we aren't conscious of their presence. When we honor them and honor how they lived on this Earth, they stop being able to live inside us. This frees us up to live the life of our own choosing. Plase join me in honoring our ancestors, both living and dead, by decorating sugar skulls. 

After the decorating, we will sit in ceremony together. Honoring the ancestors as a group. 

I'll supply the paint, and the skulls. I ask for a $10 donation for supplies. Please bring a favorite food of your ancestors to share with both them and for the group, or bring flowers, or other objects your ancestors would like.

Once we finish our skulls, we will have a little ceremony to Honor the Day of the Dead.. RSVP to Lorraine Stern via text 831-206-9291.

This is a kid friendly and family event. If the weather permits, we will also have a fire ceremony for the Full moon Eclipse. In this way we will let go of any denseness from our ancestry and from ourselves. It has been getting cold outside, so bring warm layers, if you’d like to have fire ceremony. Those just coming to the fire ceremony, we will start at 7:15 roughly.

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Wild Women's Circle
6:30 PM18:30

Wild Women's Circle

The Wild Woman Circle is for women to come together in ritual, ceremony and dance to express the wild part of each of us that is connected to all things in nature including our own bodies..

Each of us has that native, embodied wisdom—a wild, untamed, undomesticated body-mind and heart that knows what is true for us. Each looks and feels different for each woman, and no two are ever alike.

Many of us yearn to be more full, more embodied, more connected to ourselves and to others.

Through exercises, movement, dance and connection you will discover how you want to express and experience a deepening of your relationship to yourself and those around you.

For this first gathering, we will meet for tea, movement, and heart work. Free event for women only.

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Sound Bath
6:30 PM18:30

Sound Bath

Please join in a relaxing evening of sound bath healing.The sound of the singing bowls and tuning forks will bring you into a deep relaxed state and facilitate altered states of consciousness. Allowing one to access information within their body and subconscious. 

Simmy will be your guide. She has been playing her singing bowls for 9 years. Come for a relaxing evening of healing and rejuvenation.

Donation event. Suggested donation $30-40

Space is limited to 10 people. Reserve a spot by texting or calling Lorraine at 831-206-9291

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Medicine wheel- Gate of the Water
to Apr 30

Medicine wheel- Gate of the Water

  • Live Love Laugh Healing (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Water is learning and understanding flow. It’s water that can move Earth, so it’s time to move out those old stories that are stuck in our emotional bodies, and bring them into ayni (harmony) within our world. We will learn how to be fluid and invite change into our lives.

This gate is all about relationships, and learning how to shift old patterns with others, and bring flow to your emotional bodies. We will heal one ancestral lineage, and you’ll have the blueprint then for you to heal other lineages.

Cost $300

If you’ve taken the medicine wheelWater gate, the cost is always half price.

Please call me for more information.

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Despacho making class with Juan and Ivan
10:00 AM10:00

Despacho making class with Juan and Ivan

A despacho is a mandala that honors all of life. In the Andes there are hundreds of different types of despachos. No matter what type, they all are messengers of prayers to Spirit. In this class you will learn how to honor all aspects of life, and send prayers fir harmony in your life, and the life of your family and community. Juan and Ivan will teach you the basic Andean despacho format to bring change and connection into your life.

Cost for this class is $40. Includes all the ingredients needed for ceremony

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The Left ( Lloque) side of the path
to Apr 16

The Left ( Lloque) side of the path

  • Live Love Laugh Healing (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The lloque or left side of the Andean path refers all that is inside our energy bubble.It is the internal path and the magical side of the path here the most amazing things happen. Juan learned from Don Melchor Desa. This class is very experiential and it teaches us how to relate to our own personal power.The Lloque brings us in contact with our bellies so that we can take action in the world.

Cost $350. Discount of $50 if you take 2 classes or $100 off if you take all 3 classes

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The Middle part ( Chaupy) of the Andean Path
to Apr 14

The Middle part ( Chaupy) of the Andean Path

Finalizing Dates now for Juan and Ivan to teach for a week mid to end of April 2023

Famous Anthropologist from Peru, Juan Nuñez del Prado will be teaching the Chaupy, or the middle side of the path.

Chaupy refers to the skin of our energy bodies. It’s where we connect to the world and ourselves at the same time. This is the place of Munay and love where we can learn skills to be in harmony with one another. In this class you will learn about the teachings of Don Andreas Espinosa who ran a Paqo school for ceremonialists and future shaman. We will learn all the techniques of moving energy that Juan learned when he was in school. We will be outside working ½ the time in nature for this class. You will also work with the technique Chaupi away that places belts around your energy bubble, that separates you from the rest of humanity so that it is easier to find your own enlightenment.

Please bring your own lunch. Snacks and beverages will be provided.


Cost $350 for 2 days, and if you combine 2 classes you receive $50 discount and $100 off for all 3 classes

Limited space available

Juan Nuñez Del Prado and Qero Paqos preparing for ceremony

Juan Nuñez Del Prado and Qero Paqos preparing for ceremony

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Cacao Ceremony for Winter Solstice
6:00 PM18:00

Cacao Ceremony for Winter Solstice

Our hearts are beautiful things. We all need love. It’s sometimes hard to be in our hearts and not our heads when life gets difficult.

Cacao is a beautiful way to bring us all into our hearts and center us in love. It is a very heart opening substance.. Please join me for an evening of ceremony.

We will begin with a cacao ceremony and meditation. Once in our hearts, we will create a mandala to honor our hearts, ourselves and all of life. Together.

Please join me for this event to celebrate love and the light that is always there in our hearts. This is close to the solstice, and as we bring in the light of love into our hearts we will celebrate the return of the sun.

Cost of event $50/person or $75/couple ( 2 people)

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New Medicine Wheel Journey -Earth Gate ONLINE Sign up anytime
to Oct 2

New Medicine Wheel Journey -Earth Gate ONLINE Sign up anytime

I’d like to invite you to join me in the powerful healing process of an Andean Medicine Wheel. This is a system of healing and awareness that is present in most Earth based cultures. We will dive deeply into Andean cosmology to better understand our World, our environment, ourselves and our relationship to the divine. With this understanding we are able to return to our hearts, and bellies in a way that brings personal power, freedom, beauty and stewardship to the Earth.

We begin the journey with learning how to navigate this world by letting go of old stories, and reconnecting to our bodies in a new way to the Earth.

The class will also have an emphasis on ancestral work. When we heal the energy of our ancestors we also heal our blood and bones, and the influences that our ancestors have on us. It changes our beliefs and how we see the world. Once healed those ancestors become guides and helpers to us.

Cost $375 per class. You will be able to keep and refer back to all videos, and information. There will be check-ins over the phone or via Zoom to help answer any questions that you have. If you have taken the medicine wheel Earth class from me before, you will receive 60% off

Total 4 classes. If you sign up for all for classes, receive $100 off.

I am also offering free somatic movement classes to all those who sign up.

Text or call me to sign up 831-206-9291

For more information go to

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Ecstatic Dance into Fall
5:30 PM17:30

Ecstatic Dance into Fall

For this months community event, it’s time to dance! Ecstatic dance helps us all to get out of our over-stressed heads, and into our bodies, where ease, grace and flow life. It’s also the Equinox, and a time where day and night are equal.

Many of you have meet my current helper Simmy. What most don’t know is that she was a big part of London’s music scene as a DJ and assisted in running the YouTube Channel ‘Deeper Vibrations’ which mainly focused on promoting bass music. She has put together a pre-recorded set that will get us all moving and connecting with ourselves. Although this set is prerecorded, Simmy has put a lot of time and effort into taking us all on a journey through music to connect with our bodies in a new way. Please arrive no later that 6pm for the dancing.

Please feel free to bring food to share. There will be plenty of strawberries and cheese! This event is suitable for all ages. All donations will go directly to Simmy to help her further her interest in Permaculture and the Pachamama.

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New Medicine Wheel Journey -Earth Gate ONLINE*** Sign up anytime!
to Sep 18

New Medicine Wheel Journey -Earth Gate ONLINE*** Sign up anytime!

I’d like to invite you to join me in the powerful healing process of an Andean Medicine Wheel. This is a system of healing and awareness that is present in most Earth based cultures. We will dive deeply into Andean cosmology to better understand our World, our environment, ourselves and our relationship to the divine. With this understanding we are able to return to our hearts, and bellies in a way that brings personal power, freedom, beauty and stewardship to the Earth.

We begin the journey with learning how to navigate this world by letting go of old stories, and reconnecting to our bodies in a new way to the Earth.

The class will also have an emphasis on ancestral work. When we heal the energy of our ancestors we also heal our blood and bones, and the influences that our ancestors have on us. It changes our beliefs and how we see the world. Once healed those ancestors become guides and helpers to us.

Cost $375 per class. You will be able to keep and refer back to all videos, and information. There will be check-ins over the phone or via Zoom to help answer any questions that you have. If you have taken the medicine wheel Earth class from me before, you will receive 60% off

Total 4 classes. If you sign up for all for classes, receive $100 off.

I am also offering free somatic movement classes to all those who sign up.

Text or call me to sign up 831-206-9291

For more information go to

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New Moon Reset, and Sacred Play
5:00 PM17:00

New Moon Reset, and Sacred Play

Sacred Play in Quechua is Puklley. Traditionally the Andeans of Peru gather representations of what they would like to manifest. For example, if they wanted a new car, then they would either make, or bring a miniature car to the sacred play. Then with the miniature figurines, you would begin to pretend, just like we did when we were kids. This kind of pretending in sacred space, does lead to manifestation, in a really fun way!

We are going to combine this sacred play with music. We’ll have an ecstatic dance and ceremony to bring this new energy we want into our bodies. In addition we will also have live music to enhance our creativity and mood.. Let’s all manifest together in a sacred way!

Donation event. Snacks will be served. This is a kid friendly event.

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Ecstatic Dance and Lunar Eclipse Full Moon Fire Ceremony
5:00 PM17:00

Ecstatic Dance and Lunar Eclipse Full Moon Fire Ceremony

Lunar Eclipses help us to look at those aspects of our lives that are in shadow. This particular eclipse will help us look at those areas. To help move and shift the energy we will dance first. Dancing is one of my favorite ways to get into my body, and it’s so much fun!

Once we shift the energy we’ll come inside to have an ayni despacho. Ayni is sacred reciprocity, and we will bring that in by honoring all of the Pachamama ( Mother Earth)

Then once the sun goes down we will finish off the day with a full moon fire ceremony to bring an alchemical change to our days gathering.

This is a donation event. Suggested donations re $20-$40.

All are welcome. Feel free to invite a friend or two.Snacks will be provided.

Please bring layers of clothing and a rattle or drum for the fire.

Come for one part or all 3

Dancing 5-7pm

Despacho ceremony 7-8pm

Fire ceremony 8-9:30pm

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Full Moon Equinox Fire Ceremony
7:00 PM19:00

Full Moon Equinox Fire Ceremony

The equinox is a time of light and dark being equals. It’s a time for balance of inner and outer. Where the divine feminine and divine masculine within us can also balance. These opposites, light and dark, inner and outer, masculine and feminine create what is known as a Yanantin in Quechuan. Yanantin is an energy that is represented by harmonizing opposites. You can also think of it as Ying/Yang. They exist together, one inside another in harmony.

The moon is our connection to the divine feminine and who we are on the inside. When the moon is full it sheds a light on what is in the dark, Coupled with an equinox that is about balance, leads to an auspicious time to gather together for ceremony. Bringing harmony to our world, inside and out.

When we bring the light of the fire into our bodies, it gives us the energy to carry us forward. It’s an energy that is needed at this time.

Please dress warm, bring a rattle or drum if you have one. All are welcome. This is a free event, please do bring food to share for later.

2175 Elkhorn Rd Castroville, CA 95012

My driveway is a farm road. It is directly across from Russo Rd, and marked by 2 palm trees. Follow the driveway until you see the gathering of people near the fire pit. Call if you get lost. 831-206-9291

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Women's circle.
4:00 PM16:00

Women's circle.

Saturday March 13th marks the return of our women’s circles.

We’ll begin with a tea social to reconnect again. Followed by some formal women’s practices like we’ve done together in the past.

RSVP by calling me/texting at 831-206-9291

At my home 2175 Elkhorn Rd. Castroville. Call if you need directions 831-206-9291. Adult Women of all ages are welcome. Class size is limited.

Circle is by donation $10-$30 suggested.

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Zoom Ceremony with Paqo Karina for love
6:00 PM18:00

Zoom Ceremony with Paqo Karina for love

Love- We all need it. Especially in the last 2 years, as we have been more isolated from each other. Many of us haven’t spent much time in public or in groups. Humans are mammals, and we are wired for human connection.

Fear also takes us away from our hearts, and puts us in a place of not being able to connect

with others. This in turn affects our nervous systems and our whole bodies.

It’s time to come back down into our hearts and our bodies.

Please join me for a despacho ceremony with Karina Conchas Davalos to bring our hearts fully online in a loving way. The focus on this despacho will be to open up our hearts fully and invite love in. There will also be prayers added for rain. This will be over Zoom.

For a link please contact me at 831-206-9291 with your name and the event you’d like to attend.

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Manifestation for 2022 Ceremony
6:00 PM18:00

Manifestation for 2022 Ceremony

Happy New Year!

2022 is a New Year and filled with infinite possibilities. When we gather in ceremony together and set intentions we bring those possibilities into manifestation.

Setting an intention is easy. It can be declaring how you want to feel in 6 months to a year. It is all about how you want to create your future in 2022.

When we gather together, we create intentions that are more powerful. and more profound. On Friday 7th of January at 6pm we will have a despacho ceremony for manifestation with Karina Davelos Concha. With the help of Karina we will blow those intentions into prayer leaves called Kintus. These prayer leaves will be nestled in a mandala to honor all of life on this Earth (including our guides and helpers). Once the mandala is made it is despached to Spirit by being burned in a fire.

Karina has been conducting rain ceremonies for California. Since we are in a rain cycle, it’s time to look within to what will bring us the most joy in 2022. To join me, send me a text or email, and I will send you the Zoom link,


This isa donation event. All proceeds go directly to Karina and the Qero community that she supports.

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Zoom Ceremony with Qero to Bring the Rain to California
6:00 PM18:00

Zoom Ceremony with Qero to Bring the Rain to California

The weather has been beautiful lately, and although our last Zoom ceremony to bring in the rain was very successful, the water levels in the streams are still very low and our water table still needs more rain. I want to keep the energy going, and bring our underground water tables up to healthy levels.

In 2015-16, I invited 2 Paqos to perform ceremonies to bring the rain to our region. I remember…they arrived in November of 2015, every time they worked on a client, the rains started. I also noticed that they could do the same in ceremony.

One of those 2 women Paqos is no longer with us on this Earth, but Karina Davalos Concha is alive and well in Cusco Peru. She has agreed to lead us in another ceremony to bring rain to our area over Zoom.

Karina was born in Cusco and spent her early years living with her grand[parents and learning the traditional Quechuan ways. When she returned to Cusco, Karina began her training as a Paqo (ceremonialist) with kuraq Akuraks ( wisdom keepers) Don Manuel Quispe, Don Mariano Apaza, Don Umberto and Dona Bernardina.

Please join myself and Paqo Karina Davelos Concha as we call in the rain together over Zoom..

November 12th

Friday 6-7:30pm

Please send me a text at 831-206-9291 or an email for the link

This is a donation event, where all the proceeds go directly to Karina and the indigenous Qero that she assists.

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Zoom and in person Journey class
7:00 PM19:00

Zoom and in person Journey class

Many of us are getting stuck in fear, or grief from these crazy times.

How do we navigate this with grace and ease? The only way I can begin to navigate all that is going on in the world is to come down into my heart. Once I come down into my own heart, I can come down into the stillness of my heart, and I can find peace within myself. From this place of peace I can navigate the world from a calm and centered place.

My wish for you today is the gift of stillness.  We can make our minds so like still water that beings gather about us so that they may see, their own images, and so live for a moment with a clearer, perhaps even with a fiercer life because of our quiet.

Sometimes it helps to have a guide to find quiet in the eye of a storm.

Journeying is the way home to your heart, to stillness, to the happiness and infinite that resides within.

No matter what is happening in the world around us, we can reign the chaos into calm, the anxiety into joy, and the fear into love. 

Everyone has their own map, their own set of keys to the sacred, and it may not always be the same. Sometimes we need a locksmith to help us get through the door of our heart. 

Spend time with me in person or over Zoom, learning how to journey into the temples of the heart.and to the place of stillness that resides within all of us.

Cost $20

Contact me at 831-206-9291 to register. In person classes are limited to 6 people total.

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Non Linear Movement Method ®
8:30 AM08:30

Non Linear Movement Method ®

This weeks class will be about moving to what we are feeling. We’ll connect with all our emotions and how they are reflected in our bodies, Moving to whatever we are feeling- or not feeling. The last half of the class will be about resetting our bodies with love, and bring self love into our lives.

Releasing old patterns of tension, gives room for the body to be able to manifest new possibilities.

By connecting with what is going on internally, the NLMM helps us to move out old patterns, and release them through the body. IT helps us become current with out emotions and what is going on in our lives. We are able to connect with the innate wisdom of our bodies.

NLMM helps to smooth out our nervous system and unwinds mental loops, and body tension, which in turn calms the nervous system and lowers stress.

As patterns are released, the mind relaxes and emotions have a pathway to come to the surface and be released.

Trauma and old patterns sometimes get “frozen” in the body, and this method helps to unfreeze the old patterns of tension, so the trauma can gently be relaxed and the body can relax and recalibrate.

Over time the body gets to be more sensitized which leads to greater sensations, sexual energy and body wisdom.

What to bring to the Zoom class:

Wear comfortable clothes, and have a towel, blanket or yoga mat handy. It’s helpful to have a water bottle, and tissues available.

Please register and pay below

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. The link will be emailed out to you on Friday evening. I manually do this so, please do contact me if you haven’t received confirmation. 831-206-9291

Cost $10

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